Live global access to company filings
Our live global network offers real-time access to company filings from government registers around the world.
To begin your search, type the company’s name in the search bar below. Filter by country to narrow down your results and make your selection from the list of results.
Suggestions appear instantly as you type, click search to search deeper.
- All Countries
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Some information may be available at no cost from Handelsregister here .

You can rely on Live Company Search
Our Live Company Search provides a seamless search and discovery experience that ignores unreliable static third-party databases in favour of direct connections to the government registers. We offer unparalleled access to:
Our Live Company Search provides a seamless discovery experience that ignores unreliable static third-party databases in favour of direct connections to the government registers. Live Search enables access to:
- Audit-proof, time stamped data from over 115 million companies
- Data from over 200 countries and jurisdictions
- Business data that complies with the latest AML data requirements
- Original Company Filings and documents that include register reports & certificates, annual accounts, articles of association and historical filings
- Data on more than 115 million companies from over 200 countries and jurisdictions
- Data is retrieved from its primary source in real-time, with a timestamp
- Original company filings and documents that include register reports, annual accounts, articles of association and more
We are always expanding our live network to connect you to new official source across more jurisdictions around the world.
We are always expanding our live network to connect you to new official source across more jurisdictions around the world.

Need to dig deeper? Make a Business Concierge Service request
Not all government registers are created equal, which is why our team of experts are standing by to assist you with our Business Concierge Service.
If a register has yet to enable digital access, our KYB experts will personally search for the audit-proof data you need, cross-checking multiple authoritative sources so you do not have to.
Learn More